Contact our office via phone, email, or Free Consultation request to schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you - day, evening, or weekend.
You will be instructed to email your agreement to our office so that the Attorney can prepare for the phone appointment with you.

Our California licensed attorney will walk through your agreement with you during the initial phone appointment. He will discuss your options, make suggestions, and answer any questions you may have about the agreement or your rights. Your conversation with the attorney is private and confidential.
The attorney will then draft his notes from the review and email those to you for you to talk through with your fiancée or spouse. He will then review any revisions for accuracy.

You may continue to work with your attorney through subsequent revisions of the agreement or questions that may arise. All follow up work is included in the flat fee.
Once your agreement is considered ‘final’ by you and your fiancée or spouse, and the 7-day wait period required in California for prenups has been satisfied, you may sign the agreement together in front of a notary.