Our Strengths

We exclusively draft and review California Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements.

True Flat Fee Pricing
No hidden costs or charges. No hourly charges.

Flexible & Convenient
We work around your schedule, through phone and email.

Our Services
Let us capture your wishes by working closely with you and providing options based on our extensive experience.
  • Draft Prenuptial Agreements (before marriage)
    A prenuptial (or premarital) agreement is “an agreement between prospective spouses made in contemplation of marriage and to be effective upon marriage.”
  • Draft Postnuptial Agreements (during marriage)
    A postnuptial agreement is a voluntary marriage contract between spouses that is created after their wedding.
  • Draft Cohabitation Agreements (living together without marriage)
    A cohabitation agreement is a voluntary contract between two individuals that are or will be living together for a long period of time, but not in a marriage arrangement.
  • Review Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Cohabitation Agreements We will review the agreement that was presented to you and discuss the importance of controlling parts of the agreement, making suggestions accordingly.
  • Amend Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Cohabitation Agreements We will draft an amendment to your previously signed agreement if your intentions or other important circumstances have changed. It is recommended that you review your agreement every five years or so make changes as needed.
Protect Your Interests
Many couples choose to be proactive in their financial affairs and determine which assets should be joint and which assets should remain separate. Some areas our Clients have chosen to protect through ownership percentages are:
  • Marital Home & Other Real Estate Investments
  • Retirement Accounts and Salary Income
  • Small Business Ownership
  • Inheritance
  • Debts brought into the marriage
  • Alimony and Spousal Support
International Fiancée
We also work in protecting our residents in international marriages, who look forward to marrying their fiancée from areas such as the former Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Latin America, Asia, etc. It is important to execute a prenuptial agreement with your foreign bride or groom prior to bringing her or him into California. This will allow you to focus on them, with your Agreement already in place.

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